In Network Marketing Business, your business is people. Just like other popular direct selling companies, the people under your organization are not your employees. They are independent distributors (non-salaried) and these people are encouraged to make sales through a network called customers or users.
"Multi-level marketing (MLM) also called pyramid selling, network marketing and referral marketing is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped commission system." source:
However, there are also many companies destroying and hurting the real essence of MLM industry. Most of these 'hypes' are getting people to invest money and promises return of investments in a short period of time.
Life Goals: Claim it. |
In a real multi-level marketing world, it will take time to build a stable organization where everyone benefits. When I say "stable", it means, even without getting new people to invest or pay membership, members will still earn by maybe selling products or simply just using products for themselves. Also, what I mean with "everyone benefits", that means each person who does the business right will not be left behind because efforts are being measured by someone's focus, persistence and hard work, and take note, NOT by position.
Everyday, there are hundreds of pseudo-mlm companies or networking scams are born and dying. This post intends to give care and reminder to everyone. Please be careful of them, else you will kiss your money goodbye. Again, MLM is a legit and profitable business but make sure which and what to engage with. Only you can decide for your self.
If you want to know more about great MLM ideas, feel free to write to us or you may drop some comments and reactions in the comment section! Gracias!
Your's Truly,
Diamond G 😘
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